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Bardo (Wyl. bar do; Skt. antarābhava) — commonly used to denote the intermediate state between death and rebirth, but in reality bardos are occurring continuously, throughout both life and death, and are junctures at which the possibility of liberation, or enlightenment, is heightened.

The different bardos can be categorized into four or six:

The Four Bardos

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  1. the natural bardo of this life which begins when a connection with a new birth is first made and continues until the conditions that will certainly lead to death become manifest.
  2. the painful bardo of dying which begins when these conditions manifest and continues until the 'inner respiration' ceases and the luminosity of the dharmakaya dawns.
  3. the luminous bardo of dharmata which lasts from the moment the dharmakaya luminosity dawns after death and continues until the visions of precious spontaneous perfection are complete.
  4. the karmic bardo of becoming which lasts from the moment the bardo body is created and continues until the connection with a new rebirth is made.

The Six Bardos

The four above with the addition of:

5. the bardo of meditation (Skt. samādhyantarābhava; Wyl. bsam gtan gyi bar do)
6. the bardo of dreaming (Skt. svapanāntarābhava; Wyl. rmi lam gyi bar do)

These two bardos are part of the natural bardo of this life.


Dzogchen Tantras

  • Union of the Sun and Moon (Wyl. nyi zla kha sbyor)
  • Self-arising Primordial Awareness (Wyl. rig pa rang shar)


  • Karma Lingpa, The Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, The Profound Dharma of Self-liberated Wisdom Mind (Wyl. zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol), which contains the Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo (Tib. Bardo Tödrol Chenmo; Wyl. bar do thos grol chen mo) (see English translation below)


  • Tsele Natsok Rangdrol, bar do spyi'i don thams cad gsal bar byed pa dran pa'i me long (see English translation below)

Further Reading

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