Katok Chaktsa Incarnation Line

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Katok Chaktsa Incarnation Line (Wyl. phyag tsha) - The successive incarnations of Bango Tsöndru Gyatso aka Bangowa Tsöndru Gyatso (Wyl. sbra ‘go ba btson ‘grus rgya mtsho, [1] of Katok Monastery.

  1. The First Chaktsa Tulku, Kunzang Ngedön Wangpo (Wyl. kun bzang nges don dbang po) (b.mid 18th-d.1816)
  2. The Second Chaktsa Tulku, Kunzang Tenpé Nyinjé (Wyl. kun bzang bstan pa’i nyin byed) (b. early 19th cent. - d. mid 19th)
  3. The Third Chaktsa Tulku, Kunzang Jampa Sengé (Wyl. kun bzang byams pa seng+ge) (b. mid 19th cent. - d. late 19th cent.)
  4. The Fourth Chaktsa Tulku, Kunzang Pema Trinlé (Wyl. kun bzang pad+ma phrin las) (b. late 19th cent. - d. mid 20th cent.)
  5. The Fifth Chaktsa Tulku, Tubten Lodrö Chökyi Gyaltsen (Wyl. thub bstan blo gros chos kyi rgyal mtshan) (b. 20th)


  1. Bango Tsöndru Gyatso was a student of both Rigdzin Düddul Dorje and of Longsal Nyingpo. The name Bango is the toponym of Tsöndru Gyatso’s primary residence, a ridge two hours walk from Katok (Source: Ronis M. Jann, ‘Celibacy, Revelations, and Reincarnated Lamas: Contestation and Synthesis in the Growth of Monasticism at Katok Monastery from the 17th through the 19th Centuries’, University of Virginia, 2009, page 165.

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