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རང་བཞིན། (Wyl. rang bzhin) n. Pron.: rangshyin

  • presence, presentational immediacy ▷HVG KBEU
  • nature, one of the three kinds of authentic evidence [Logic] [Epistemology]
  • natural stem [Sanskrit Grammar Terms]
  • Skt. प्रकृतिः, prakṛti, Pron.: prakriti. From Sanskrit: making or placing before or at first | the original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance (opp. to [vi-kṛti]) | cause original source | origin, extraction | nature, character, constitution, temper, disposition | ind. by nature, naturally, unalterably, properly | fundamental form, pattern, standard, model, rule (esp. in ritual) | (in the Sāṃkhya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or Guṇas called [sattva], [rajas] and [tamas]), Nature (distinguished from [puruśa], Spirit as Māyā is distinguished from Brahman in the Vedāntas) | pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. [a-vyakta], [buddhi] or [mahat], [ahaṃ-kāra], and the 5 [tan-mātras] or subtle elements | rarely the 5 elements alone | (in mythol.) a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the Śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity, as Lakshmī | also considered as identical with the Supreme Being | (pl.) N. of a class of deities under Manu Raibhya Hariv. | (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, ministry | the subjects of a king, citizens, artisans | the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated, viz. king minister, alies, treasure, army, territory, fortresses | the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the [madhyama], [vijigīśu], [udāsīna] and [zatru] | to which should be added 8 remoter princes, viz. the [mitra], [arimitra], [mitra-mitra], [arimitra-mitra], [pārśṇi-graha] , [ākranda], [pārśṇigrāḥasāra], [ākranḍasāsa] | each of these 12 kings has 5 Prakṛtis in the form of minister, territory, fortresses, treasure and army, so that the total number of Prakṛtis | (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word, base, root , an uninflected word | N. of 2 classes of metres | (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier | (in anat.) temperament, the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation | (with [tritīyā]) the third nature, a eunuch | matter, affair | the male or female organ of generation | a woman or womankind | a mother | an animal | N. of a woman Buddh. | N. of wk. [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. स्वभावः, svabhāva, Pron.: svabhava. From Sanskrit: native place | own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity | or | or | or [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. स्वरूपम्, svarūpa, Pron.: svarupa. From Sanskrit: one's own form or shape, the form shape of | or | with or without | or | 'a word itself or in its own form' [•opp. to its synonyms or varieties] | with | = | own condition, peculiarity, character, nature | or | peculiar aim | kind, sort | a •partic. relation | in •phil. | under | occurrence, event | having one's own peculiar form or character | having a like nature or character, similar, like, Sāṃkhyak. | pleasing, handsome | for | wise, learned | N. of a Daitya | of a son of Su-nandā | of a pupil of Caitanya | or | N. of a place [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW

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