Tulku Dorje Dradül

Tulku Dorje Dradül aka Tulku Dordra (1892-1959) was a son of Dudjom Lingpa and of Akyabza Kalzang Drönma [1] who became a major Dudjom Tersar lineage holder, and the succesor of his father at Dartsang Kalzang Gompa.
Birth & Family
In 1890, Yeshe Tsogyal informed Dudjom Lingpa that an emanation of the bodhisattva Sangdak Chakna Dorjé, Lord of Secrets Vajra-in-Hand, [2] would appear as his son[3]. In 1901, Tulku Dorje Dradül was born to Dudjom Lingpa, as his 8th son.
Tulku Dorje Dradül studied the Dudjom Tersar lineage with his father Dudjom Lingpa, and the Longchen Nyingtik lineages with the following masters:
- Chakchung Geshé Gélek Palzang
- Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima
- Tertön Sogyal
Tulku Dorje Dradül propagated the treasure cycles of his father Dudjom Lingpa, and became his successor at Dartsang Kalzang Gompa. A tertön himself, he revealed seven volumes of termas, however only two remain now, because in the 1950's and 1960's, some of these texts were buried in the ground and are since lost or ruined. The two remaining volumes of Tulku Dorje Dradül's termas, written by hand, are in the care of Ahyang Rig Drobpa. Tulku Dorje Dradül also sponsored the construction of sacred objects for the printing house and temple at Lung Shar Ritrö
Among his students are:
- Chatral Rinpoche
- Dewé Dorje
- Katok Chaktsa Rinpoche
- Gyangkhang Tulku Döndrub Dorje
- Nyengön Nesung Rab Rinpoche
- Palyul Choktrul Thubten Chökyi Dawa
- Siddhi Tülku, who taught Lama Chönam (Light of Berotsana)
Some people believe that his tulku is Ahyang Rig Drobpa, founder of the International Society of Tibetology.
- ↑ Akyabza Kalzang Drönma was the third consort of Dudjom Lingpa, and also the mother of Tulku Lhatop and of Patrul Namkha Jikmé.
- ↑ It may be that this bodhisattva is Sangdak Ngö Nang Namchö Tertön Mingyur Dorjé.
- ↑ Traktung Dudjom Lingpa, A Clear Mirror: The Visionary Autobiography of a Tibetan Master, translated by Chonyi Drolma, North Atlantic Books, 2011.