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མིའུ་ཐུང། (Wyl. mi'u thung ) Pron.: miu tung

  • Skt. वामनः, vāmana, Pron.: vamana. From Sanskrit: dwarfish, small or short in stature, a dwarf | small, minute, short (also of days) | bent, inclined | relating to a dwarf or to Vishṇu | below | treating of him | descended from the elephant Vāmana | below | 'the Dwarf', N. of Vishṇu in his fifth Avatāra or descent (undertaken to humble the pride of the Daitya Bali [q.v.]¨;¨the germ of the story of this incarnation seems to be contained in the 1st book of the | the later legend is given in | N. of a •partic. month | of Śiva | a dwarfish bull | a goat with •partic. marks | a person born under a •partic. constellation | Alangium Hexapetalum | N. of a serpent-demon | of a son of Garuḍa | of a son of Hiraṇya-garbha | of one of the 18 attendants of the Sun | of a Dānava | of a Muni | of a poet (minister under Jayāpīḍa) | also with | of the elephant that supports the south (or west) quarter | of a mountain | N. of a people [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW