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ར། (Wyl. ra ) Pron.: ra

  • Skt. छगलः, chagala, Pron.: chhagala. From Sanskrit: N. of a muni | of a locality | N. of a family | blue cloth [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. अजः, aja, Pron.: aja. From Sanskrit: a drove, troop (of Maruts) | a driver, mover, instigator, leader | N. of Indra, of Rudra, of one of the Maruts | of Agni, of the sun, of Brahmā, of Vishṇu, of Śiva, of Kāma | 2. | the leader of a flock | a he-goat, ram | •cf.¨•Gk. | the sign Aries | the vehicle of Agni | beam of the sun (Pūshan) | N. of a descendant of Viśvāmitra, and of Daśaratha's or Dīrghabāhu's father | N. of a mineral substance | of a kind of rice | of the moon | N. of a people | of a class of Ṛishis [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. उरभ्रः, urabhra, Pron.: urabhra. From Sanskrit: a ram, sheep | N. of a plant [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW