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རྣོན་པོ། (Wyl. rnon po ) Pron.: nönpo

  • Skt. तीक्ष्णः, tīkṣṇa, Pron.: tikshna. From Sanskrit: sharp, hot, pungent, fiery, acid | harsh, rough, rude | sharp, keen | zealous, vehement | self-abandoning | with | 'a planet's course', or | inauspicious | iic, 7 | nitre | black pepper | black mustard | marjoram | white Kuśa or Darbha grass | the resin of Boswellia thurifera | an ascetic | N. of a man | of a Nāga | sharp language | steel | iron | any weapon | sea-salt | nitre | Galmei | poison | Bignonia suaveolens | Piper Chaba | Asa foetida | battle | pestilence | death | heat, pungency | haste [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW