The Sutra on the Timings for the Gandi

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The Sutra on the Timings for the Gandi (Skt. Gaṇḍīsamayasutra; Tib. གཎ་ཌཱིའི་དུས་ཀྱི་མདོ།, Wyl. gaN DI’i dus kyi mdo) is a short instruction given by the Buddha concerning the specific times at which the gandi is to be struck, depending on the month. The timings are given based on the use of a solar clock. The gandi is a long wooden beam that is ritually struck, in a variety of methods, on certain occasions in order to call monks to assemblies or meals, to alert them to gatherings, or to herald the beginning of a rite. [1]


The Tibetan translation of this sutra can be found in the General Sutra section of the Tibetan Dergé Kangyur, Toh 299


  1. 84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha.