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Revision as of 08:15, 14 September 2023

Tertön Sogyal’s Collected Works[1] Vol 1 | Vol 2 | Vol 3 | Vol 4 | Vol 5 | Vol 6 | Vol 7 | Vol 8 | Vol 9 | Vol 10 | Vol 11 | Vol 12 | Vol 13 | Vol 14 | Vol 15 | Vol 16 | Vol 17

The collected visionary revelations and textual rediscoveries (Wyl. gter chos) of Tertön Sogyal, Lerab Lingpa, reproduced from a set of blockprints in the library of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, published by Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Byalakuppe, Dist. Mysore, Karnataka, India.

VOL. 1: Miscellaneous Works

  1. Gojé Sangdak Kor, The Cycle of the Lord of the Mysteries, (sgo ‘byed gsang bdag skor), p.3-62.
  2. Sangdak Rikchik Kor, The Cycle of the Unique Clan of the Lord of the Mysteries, (gsang bdag rigs gcig skor), p.63-68.
  3. Sangdak Shyitro Drildrub, The Combined Practice of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Lord of the Mysteries, (gsang bdag zhi khro dril sgrub), p.89-94.
  4. Zablam Chiyi Ngöndro Rigdzin Nyurlam, The General Preliminaries of the Profound Path, The Swift Path of the Rigdzin, (zab lam spyi yi sngon’gro rig ‘dzin myur lam), p.95-100.
  5. Tatri Drollam Chakchen, The Instructions on the View, The Great Symbol of the Path to Freedom (lta khrid grol lam phyag chen), p.101-106.
  6. Padma Tuktik I, The Heart Essence of Padma (padma thugs tig I), p. 107-108.
  7. Rigdzin Düpa, The Gathering of Vidyadharas (rig ‘dzin ‘dus pa), p. 109-366.
  8. Tukdrup, The Heart Practice (thugs sgrub), p. 367-388.
  9. Lama Kündü Ngödrub Gyatso, The Union with the Lamas, The Ocean of Accomplishments (la ma kun ‘dus dngos grub rgya mtsho), p. 557-774.
  10. Palden Lhamo (dpal ldan lha mo), p. 557-774.
  11. The Tendrel Nyesel Cycle (nyes sel la skor deb) pages 745-940
  • The Profound Instruction of Tendrel Nyesel (rten ‘brel nyes sel gyi gdams pa zab mo) pages 745-884
  • Additional Practices for Tendrel Nyesel (nyes sel gyi zur 'dzar) pages 753-773/4
  • A Method for Bringing Together the Crucial Points of the Requests to the 36 Vajradanda Protectors of Tendrel Nyesel :(nyes sel rdo rje be con gyi srung ba sum cu rtsa drug gi 'dod gsol gnad bsdus phyogs gcig tu sbyar lugs) by the Thirteenth Dalai Lama pages 882-883/4
  • The Brief Practice of Tendrel Nyesel (rten ‘brel nyes sel gyi don bsdus) pages 885-896
  • The Medium Length Practice of Tendrel Nyesel (nyes sel gyi cho ga ‘bring po) pages 897-920
  • The Profound Method of Removing Spiritual Pollution Through the Practice of Tendrel Nyesel (rten ‘brel nyes sel gyi sgo nas grib sel zab mo) pages 921-928
  • Delighting The Deities of the Great Mandala of Tendrel Nyesel: The Stages of the Tsok Feast Offering (rten ‘brel nyes sel gyi dkyil ‘khor chen po’i lha rnams dgyes byed tshogs mchod kyi rim pa) pages 929-940


  1. This index is based on the work of Jean-Luc ACHARD, « Pema Thugtik Les Perles du Lotus », Khyung-Lung, Sumène, France, 2010, p91-97, with a detailed listing for Tendrel Nyesel Cycle by Rigpa Translations

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