Naga (Skt. nāga; Tib. ཀླུ་, lu; Wyl. klu) — serpent spirits classified as one of the eight classes of gods and demons, or as animals or demi-gods. They live beneath the surface of the earth or in the water and are believed to be endowed with magical powers and wealth, as well as being responsible for certain types of illnesses (Wyl. klu’i nad) transmitted to humans. In Indian mythology they are preyed on by the garudas.
Virupaksha, the guardian king of the West, is the leader of the nagas.
Practice Texts
- Nāga Smoke Offering Practice, by Karma Chakmé (klu bsangs bla sel chen mo)
- The Practice for the Naga, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu (restricted). Shang Shung Edizioni (1996)
- Practices to Benefit Pretas, Nagas and Spirits, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT)
- The Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs, Robert Beer. Shambhala (1999), page 70-73.
Alternative Translations
- Serpentine water spirits (Dorje & Coleman)