Riwo Sangchö

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Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé

Riwo Sangchö (Wyl. ri bo bsang mchod), or literally ‘Mountain Smoke Offering’, is a terma that was hidden by Guru Rinpoche and revealed in the seventeenth century by the great yogin and tertön Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé (1597-1653), who brought the Dharma to Sikkim, as part of the profound Dharma-cycle of Rigdzin Sokdrup, ‘Accomplishing the Life-Force of the Vidyadharas’.

From the many ways, elaborate or condensed, of doing this practice, Dudjom Rinpoche composed an abbreviated version for daily practice, this is what is followed by the Rigpa sangha.

Translation and Commentaries

Further Reading

Oral Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha

Edited Teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche

  • Riwo Sangchö and Tendrel Nyesel—Making your Practice Meaningful (available in English, French and German, DVE 500)
  • Dzogchenlink, Nov. 2007, The Practice of Riwo Sangchö part 2
  • Dzogchenlink, Sept. 2007, The Practice of Riwo Sangchö part 1
  • Dzogchenlink, Nov. 1998, The Practice of Riwo Sangchö

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