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ཕྲ་མོ། (Wyl. phra mo ) Pron.: tramo

  • Skt. सूक्ष्मम्, sūkṣma, Pron.: sukshma. From Sanskrit: prob. connected with | p. 1241, col. 1 | with | acute, subtle, keen | understanding or mental operation | nice, exact, precise | subtle, atomic, intangible | a •partic. figure of rhetoric ('the subtle expression of an intended act') | one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation | a mystical N. of the sound | N. of Śiva | of a Dānava | or | an atom, intangible matter | the subtle all-pervading spirit, Supreme Soul | the Kataka or clearing-nut plant | or [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW