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རྩིབ་ལོགས། (Wyl. rtsib logs ) Pron.: tsib lok

  • Skt. पार्श्वः, pārśva, Pron.: parshva. From Sanskrit: rarely | fr. 1. | the region of the ribs | the ribs | the side = nearness, proximity (with | or | on both sides | aside, towards | at the side, near | •opp. to | away, from | by means of, through | a curved knife | a side of any square figure | the curve or circumference of a wheel | only | a multitude of ribs, the thorax | the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached | a fraudulent or crooked expedient | the side horse on a chariot | N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher | N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī and of his servant | heaven and earth | near, proximate | below | . [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW