Dudjom Incarnation Line
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The Dudjom Incarnation Line is based on a prayer Dudjom Rinpoche wrote himself, which lists his previous incarnations. This prayer is called A Chariot of Devotion, A Supplication to the Lives and Liberation of the Great Nirmanakaya Treasure Revealer Heruka Dudjom Lingpa. In it, one can find his main previous incarnations:
- Yogi Nuden Dorje Chang: tutor of a 1,000 princes who, countless ages ago during the aeon of the Buddha Pranidhanaraja, vowed to appear as Sugata Möpa Ö Tayé (Skt. Adhimukta), the 1,000th and last buddha of this Fortunate Aeon.
- Shariputra
- Saraha
- Krishnadhara: chief minister of Indrabhuti of Uddiyana
- Humkara
- Khye'u Chung Lotsawa
- Smritijnana
- Rongdzom Pandita Chokyi Zangpo (1012-1088)
- Dampa Deshek (1122-1192)
- Palden Ling Je Repa: one of the founders of the Drukpa Kagyü school
- Sakya Trizin Chogyal Phakpa (1235-1280)
- Drum Khar Nagpopa: Khampa yogin who meditated in dark retreat for 18 years.
- Hewa Chojung: Khampa magician and subjugator of enemies of the Dharma.
- Traktung Dudul Dorje (1615-1672)
- Katok Gyalse Sönam Deutsen (1679-1723): as head of Kathok Monastery, he restored and preserved the tradition of the monastery.
- Dudul Rolpa Tsal: yogin, teacher of Jikme Lingpa
- Dudjom Lingpa (1835-1904)
- Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1987)