Senge Dongma

Senge Dongma (Wyl. seng ge gdong ma; Skt. Siṃhamukhā or Siṃhavaktrā[1]) — the lion-faced dakini. In the Sarma traditions she arises out of the Chakrasamvara cycle of tantras and belongs to the Anuttarayoga 'wisdom' classification. In the Nyingma terma tradition, she is one of the many forms of Padmasambhava, specifically a secret form of Guru Rinpoche.[2]
Empowerments Given to the Rigpa Sangha
- Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche, Laugeral, Dordogne, August 1982
- Yangthang Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 8th August 2012
- ↑ Philippe Cornu, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique du Bouddhisme, p. 534.
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