Tulku Theglo Rinpoche

Tulku Theglo Rinpoche is a contemporary lama from Golok, Tibet and a main holder of the Dudjom Tersar lineage.
Family lineage
Tulku Theglo Rinpoche is the son of Dzongter Kunzang Nyima, the Speech Emanation of Dudjom Lingpa and as a result of this connection and through his own training and practice, he is thoroughly saturated with the blessings of the lineage of Dudjom Lingpa, and those of his own father who revealed more than 60 volumes of termas. His mother was Rintso of the Tug Gya family.
Incarnation lineage
Tulku Theglo Rinpoche was recognized by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö as the incarnation of Tulku Pema Dorje, the second son of Dudjom Lingpa, and younger brother of Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima, who accompagnied him to Dodrupchen Montasery).
When Tulku Theglo Rinpoche was five years old, he was enthroned and entered the Dodrupchen Monastery in Golok. He studied under four great Khenpos there and received empowerments from:
- Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
- Jikdral Changchub Dorje, the 6th Dzogchen Rinpoche
- Pema Drimé Lekpé Lodrö, Shechen Kongtrul Rinpoche
- Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Dodrubchen Tubten Thrinley Palzangpo
- Dodrupchen Rigdzin Tenpé Gyaltsen also known as Rigdzin Jalu Dorje
- Dungkar Chogtrul Ngedon Gyatso and others.
From his father, Dzongter Kunzang Nyima, he received many Dzogchen instructions as well as the entire transmissions for all of his father's termas as well as those of Dudjom Lingpa. The Dzogchen upadesha that he received from his father includes the Dzogchen Nang Jang and the Chö commentary several times. In addition he received the Neluk Rangjung tantra and the Shey-rik Dorje Nӧnpo Tantra, the six month Tögal retreat and the 108 day Tögal practice. He received the tsalung of Vajrakilaya and in particular, Tulku Theglo Rinpoche reveals that “from my father, I received the extremely secret Dzogchen transmission that he was only allowed to give three times during his life as a mandate from his root Guru”. From my father I also received his terma Dzogchen teachings called ‘Directly Seeing the Fundamental Nature’ and the method of placement called ‘Blazing Luminosity’.
Tulku Theglo Rinpoche received many empowerments, those includes Rinchen Terdzö, the thirteen sadhanas of the Kama lineage, the Nyingtik Yabshyi, the Nyingthig Tsapod, the Düpa Do, the eighteen divisions on the meaning of Ah from the Mind category, the Vajra Bridge of the expanse class, the Damcho, Dechen lamchog, the three aspects of Kagyad, the Sakya'i kunrig, the generation and completion stage of liberation through hearing, including all the reading transmissions.
Tulku Theglo Rinpoche has given Dudjom Lingpa’s termas cycles and Dzongter Kunzang Nyima cycles of empowerments fives times:
In terms of his activities of propagating these lineages, Tulku Theglo Rinpoche have given the entire empowerments of Dudjom Lingpa's terma on five occasions.
- in Serta, Golok in Tibet
- in Siliguri India, at the invitation of Chatral Sangye Dorje
- in Landow China
- at the banks of Lake Kokonor
- in the USA, at Gyatrul Rinpoche’s request
Tulku Theglo Rinpoche has given the entire empowerments of his father Dzongter Kunzang Nyima 's terma five times as well
- in Serta, Golok in Tibet
- in Landow
- in Parping, Nepal. at the request of Chatral Rinpoche. The empowermentsincluded the Dudjom Vajrakilaya, Phurba Deshek Nyingpo and Tröma Nagmo. The transmissions also included the dzogchen Nang Jang and the Neluk Rangjung.
- at Lake Kokonor
- in the USA, at Gyatrul Rinpoche’s request, in his centers.
In Chadral Rinpoche's retreat, Tulku Theglo Rinpoche gave the empowerments for Yumka Dechen Gyalmo and Lhadrub Tiklé Gyachen of the Longchen Nyingtik tradition. At Chadral Rinpoche’s retreat in Gotabhari Nepal , he gave the empowerments for the three roots of the Longchen Nyingtik and also Lhadrub Tiklé Gyachen.
Among the recipients of theses empowerments and transmissions were:
- Dudjom Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche, the third Dudjom Rinpoche
- Ahpang Chogtrul Tsepo
- Dungkar Chogtrul Chokyi Gyaltsan
- Lama Padma Tumpo
- Chogtrul Hungkar Dorje
- Chogtrul Kabu kye
- Sogtrul, Zhalpa Rinpoche
- Wanggyal
- Chogtrul Odzer
- Chogtrul Kunzang Nyima
- Jamyang Tragpa
- Chogtrul Jamyang Trodral
- Terton Tulku Drongdzong
- Terton Tulku Thrinley Tendzin
- Tulku Tubten Rigdzin and many others.
Among Tulku Theglo Rinpoche’s main disciple is his son Samdrup Rinpoche, who has been recognized as an incarnation of his father Dzongter Kunzang Nyima.