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*'''A Bundle of Jewels, the Empowerment Ritual for the Guru's Wealth Deity Kyechok Tsulzang, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles''', by Tsewang Norbu (Wyl. ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha skyes mchog tshul bzang gi dbang chog nor bu'i chun po'') (29p)
*'''A Bundle of Jewels, the Empowerment Ritual for the Guru's Wealth Deity Kyechok Tsulzang, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles''', by Tsewang Norbu (Wyl. ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha skyes mchog tshul bzang gi dbang chog nor bu'i chun po'') (29p)

Tibetan texts for the [ Nordrup Rinchen Bumzang cycle at the Rinchen Terdzo website]]
==Practices Held in [[About Rigpa|Rigpa]] Centres==
==Practices Held in [[About Rigpa|Rigpa]] Centres==
*[[Lerab Ling]], summer 2003, [[drupchen]] led by [[Neten Chokling Rinpoche]] and [[Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]]
*[[Lerab Ling]], summer 2003, [[drupchen]] led by [[Neten Chokling Rinpoche]] and [[Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]]
*Australia, 2018, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, tbc
*Australia, 2018, with Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche


Revision as of 19:40, 18 July 2024

Kyechok Tsulzang. Courtesy of Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche.

Lama Norlha or Guru's Wealth Deity (Tib. བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷ་, Wyl. bla ma nor lha) is a wealth practice from the Chokling Tersar, related to the Tukdrup Barché Künsel cycle. The main deity is Kyechok Tsulzang, one of the Twelve emanations of Guru Rinpoche.


  • The Heart of the Matter, A Lineage Prayer for the Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice, by Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (ནོར་སྒྲུབ་རིན་ཆེན་བུམ་བཟང་གི་བརྒྱུད་འདེབས་དོན་འདུས་སྙིང་པོ་བཞུགས་སོ་, nor sgrub rin chen bum bzang gi brgyud 'debs don 'dus snying po)
  • Additional Text for the Summoning, by Khenpo Ratna (Wyl. 'gugs pa'i zur 'debs)
    • Provisional translation by Lhasey Lotsawa
  • Bountiful Clouds of Siddhis Trickling Down a Gentle Rain of Jewels, A Descent of Blessings for the Guru's Wealth Deity, by Khenpo Karma Ratna (Wyl. bla ma nor lha'i byin 'bebs rdzogs ldan sprin gyi dngos grub nor bu'i gru char) (3p)
  • The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels, A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé and arranged by the Fourth Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་གྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་ནོར་སྒྲུབ་རིན་ཆེན་བུམ་བཟང་བསྡུས་པ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las nor sgrub rin chen bum bzang)
    • English translation: The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels, A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, translated by Samye Translations 2023, (trans. Laura Swan and Oriane Lavolé, ed. Libby Hogg and Stefan Mang).
    • Colophon: This was arranged on a Friday, on Medicine Buddha day, the eighth day of the Tibetan month, in the waxing moon phase of the second month of autumn (based on the traditions of Kalachakra, medicine, and Tibetan, Indian and Mongolian astrology), in the female Water Sheep year, at Pal Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling. It was arranged by the fourth Tsiké Chokling incarnation, the mantradharin Mingyur Dewé Dorjé, a descendant of the divine Tsang clan who holds both the family and spiritual lineages of the Chokling Tersar. Sarva mangalaṃ—may all be auspicious!
  • Cloud-Banks of Everything Desirable, The Wealth-Deity Smoke Offering from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས། བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་བསང་མཆོད་དགོས་འདོད་སྤྲིན་ཕུང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ། །, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha'i bsang mchod dgos 'dod sprin phung)
  • Gathering the Siddhis of Fortune, A Fulfilment Practice for Lama Norlha, by Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་སྐོང་བ་ཕྱྭ་གཡང་དངོས་གྲུབ་འཁྱིལ་བ, bla ma nor lha'i skong ba phya g.yang dngos grub 'khyil ba)
    • English translation: Gathering the Siddhis of Fortune, A Fulfilment Practice for Lama Norlha, translated by Samye Translations 2023, (trans. Laura Swan and Oriane Lavolé, ed. Libby Hogg and Stefan Mang).
    • Colophon: At the behest of Namgyel, the caretaker of the Lhodrang mountain cave, this was composed in the Zhamar Dharma Camp by the vinaya-holder Ratna. May it be auspicious! Sarvasiddhi puṣṭim kuru oṃ. Mangalaṃ.
  • A Clarifying Ornament Called Heap of Jewels, Extracted from the Compendium of Activities of the Guru's Wealth Deity, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, by Pema Garwang Lodrö Tayepé Dé (Wyl. thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha'i las tshogs rnams khol phyungs gsal byed kyis brgyan pa rin chen spungs pa) (19)
  • The Jewel Net, a Sādhana for the Treasure Vase of Auspiciousness Connected with the Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, a Khyentsé tradition text [?] (Wyl. bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: nor sgrub rin chen bum zang dang 'brel ba'i bkra shis gter bum sgrub thabs rin chen drwa ba ) (51p)
  • Wish-fulfilling Excellence and Goodness, Creating Harmony Through the Guru's Wealth Deity, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, by Pema Künkhyab Yeshe Nyingpo (Wyl. bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha la brten nas mtshun bcos dge legs 'dod 'byung) (21p)
  • Summoning the Spirit of Abundance (phatsun?) for the Guru's Wealth Deity, by the old monk [?] (Wyl. bla ma nor lha'i pha mtshun g.yang 'gugs) (2p)
  • A Bundle of Jewels, the Empowerment Ritual for the Guru's Wealth Deity Kyechok Tsulzang, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, by Tsewang Norbu (Wyl. bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha skyes mchog tshul bzang gi dbang chog nor bu'i chun po) (29p)

Tibetan texts for the Nordrup Rinchen Bumzang cycle at the Rinchen Terdzo website]

Practices Held in Rigpa Centres