Teachings on Longchenpa's Advice from the Heart
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Khenpo Pema Sherab taught on "Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart" in Lerab Ling during the All-Mandala retreat from 23rd to 25th August 2009. The recordings contain the teaching in Tibetan with English translation by Gyurmé.
Study Material
English Translations
- Padmakara Translation Group, Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart
- Ken McLeod, Thirty Pieces of Sincere Advice: Available for download here
- Namkhai Norbu, Longchenpa's Advice from the Heart, Shang Shung Edizioni, 2008
Audio Podcast

Available as podcast at: http://www.rigpawiki.org/Media/Audio/2009/LongchenpaLL/LongchenpaHeartAdvice.rss To automatically download all teachings on Longchenpa's Heart Advice with iTunes, select within iTunes: Advanced/Subscribe to podcast... and paste the podcast-link above. Be sure to select Download all episodes in Settings.
The teachings on Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart
- 1st teaching, 23-Aug-2009: Advice 1-3
online: KhenpoPemaSherab23August2009LerabLing.mp3
- 2nd teaching, 24-Aug-2009 am: Advice 4-17
online: KhenpoPemaSherab24August2009amLerabLing.mp3
- 3rd teaching, 24-Aug-2009 pm: Advice 18-30
online: KhenpoPemaSherab24August2009pmLerabLing.mp3
General Teaching
- 1st teaching, 25-Aug-2009