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'''[[Lama Sangdü]]'''
'''[[Lama Sangdü]]'''
1. bla ma'i thugs sgrub gsang ba 'dus pa'i smin byed dbang bskur gyi yi ge rnam dag bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun [pp.507-540]
1. ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub gsang ba 'dus pa'i smin byed dbang bskur gyi yi ge rnam dag bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun'' [pp.507-540]

'''From the [[Döjo Bumzang]], section A, Peaceful Guru:'''
'''From the [[Döjo Bumzang]], section A, Peaceful Guru:'''

'''Lama Sangdü'''
'''Lama Sangdü'''
2. bla ma gsang ‘dus las thod phreng rtsal sgos sgrub kyi zlum po bzhi dbang (rtsa dbang) [pp. 39-58] ''Revealed by [[Guru Chökyi Wangchuk]].''
2. ''bla ma gsang ‘dus las thod phreng rtsal sgos sgrub kyi zlum po bzhi dbang'' (''rtsa dbang'') [pp. 39-58] ''Revealed by [[Guru Chökyi Wangchuk]].''

'''From the Döjo Bumzang, section A, Peaceful Guru:'''
'''From the Döjo Bumzang, section A, Peaceful Guru:'''
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'''Lama Sangdü'''
'''Lama Sangdü'''
3. gsang 'dus gnad kyi shog gcig ma (gtor dbang) [pp. 59-68] ''Revealed by [[Nyang Ral Nyima Özer]].''
3. gsang 'dus gnad kyi shog gcig ma (gtor dbang) [pp. 59-68] ''Revealed by [[Nyang Ral Nyima Özer]].''

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'''From the Longchen Nyingtik Tsapö vol. 4 (sva)'''
'''From the Longchen Nyingtik Tsapö vol. 4 (sva)'''

'''[Tiklé Gyachen]]'''
'''[[Tiklé Gyachen]]'''
3. yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can [pp. 881-916]
3. yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can [pp. 881-916]

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'''[[Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik]]'''
'''[[Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik]]'''
2. 'chi med 'phags ma'i snying thig las thun mong tshe'i rjes gnang bya ba'i tshul gsal bar bkod pa ye shes sgo 'byed (dbang bsdus)
2. 'chi med 'phags ma'i snying thig las thun mong tshe'i rjes gnang bya ba'i tshul gsal bar bkod pa ye shes sgo 'byed (dbang bsdus)
[[Category: Empowerments]]

Latest revision as of 20:35, 14 October 2024

  • Sunday June 22nd

From the Rinchen Terdzö vol. 7 (ja)

Lama Sangdü 1. bla ma'i thugs sgrub gsang ba 'dus pa'i smin byed dbang bskur gyi yi ge rnam dag bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun [pp.507-540]

From the Döjo Bumzang, section A, Peaceful Guru:

Lama Sangdü 2. bla ma gsang ‘dus las thod phreng rtsal sgos sgrub kyi zlum po bzhi dbang (rtsa dbang) [pp. 39-58] Revealed by Guru Chökyi Wangchuk.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section A, Peaceful Guru:

Lama Sangdü 3. gsang 'dus gnad kyi shog gcig ma (gtor dbang) [pp. 59-68] Revealed by Nyang Ral Nyima Özer.

  • Monday June 23rd

Lama Sangdü 1. bla ma gsang ‘dus contd.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section A, Peaceful Guru:

Lama Yongdzok 2. nyang gter bla ma yongs rdzogs kyi gtor dbang (yongs rdzogs) [pp.69-76] Revealed by Nyang Ral Nyima Özer.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section B, Wrathful Guru:

Guru Drakpo 3. nyang gter drag dmar bde 'dus kyi dbang bka' rdo rje spyi lugs (nyang drag) [pp.77-92]

From the Döjo Bumzang, section B, Wrathful Guru:

Guru Drakpo 4. 'bring po me'i spu gri'i dbang chog (me'i spu gri) [pp.93-102]

From the Döjo Bumzang, section B, Wrathful Guru:

Guru Drakpo 5. che 'bring gnyis ka dang 'brel ba'i byin rlabs lu gu rgyud (lu gu rgyud) [pp.103-105]

These Guru Drakpo are all from the terma revelations of Nyang Ral Nyima Özer.

From the Rinchen Terdzö vol 14 (pha)

Rigdzin Düpa 6. rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i rtsa dbang rgyal thabs spyi lugs kyi mtshams sbyor khyer bdes brgyan pa padma'i do shal (rtsa dbang) [pp.253-266]

  • Tuesday June 24th

From the Döjo Bumzang, section B, Wrathful Guru:

Guru Drakpo contd. 1. drag dmar bka' ma 'o bran lugs ('o bran) [107-119] Red wrathful Guru Rinpoche from the kama.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section B, Wrathful Guru:

Guru Drakpo 2. byang gter drag po rtsal gyi byin rlabs thugs rje'i dbang bskur (drag po rtsal) [pp. 121-8] Northern Treasures - Guru Rinpoche, dark blue.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section C, Amitayus:

Amitayus 3. tshe dpag med lung lugs sangs rgyas gsang ba'i man ngag (tshe lung) [129-144] Amitayus from the kama (Anuyoga) lineage, from the great master Buddhaguhya.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section D, Avalokiteshvara

Avalokiteshvara 4. thugs rje chen po rgyal po lugs phyag bzhi pa 'gro 'dul gyi sgrub thabs dbang dang bcas pa ('gro 'dul) [197-213] Four-armed Chenrezig

From the Döjo Bumzang, section D, Avalokiteshvara

Avalokiteshvara 5. rgyal po lugs kyi bcu gcig zhal nam mkha'i rgyal po'i sgrub thabs (nam mkha'i rgyal po) [215-220] Avalokiteshvara "King of Space" with eleven faces.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section D, Avalokiteshvara

Avalokiteshvara 6. rgyal ba rgya mtsho bde gshegs bzhi sgril gyi sgrub thabs (rgyal ba rgya mtsho) [221-230]

  • Wednesday June 25th

From the Döjo Bumzang, section C, Amitayus:

Amitayus 1. chos dbang gi gter ma bla ma longs sku'i rdzongs chen tshe dbang (rdzong chen) [145-160] Sambhogakaya Lama from the terma of Guru Chöwang.

From the Longchen Nyingtik rtsa pod, vol 4 (sva)

Avalokiteshvara Dukngal Rangdrol 2. sdug bsngal rang ‘grol [pp. 481-508] Self-liberation of Suffering - the secret lama practice from Longchen Nyingtik.

From the works of Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, vol. tsa

Rangjung Pemé Nyingtik 3. rang byung padma’i snying thig [pp.218-228]

From the Döjo Bumzang, section D (Question: Why is it in Section D, Avalokiteshvara when it’s a practice of Yamantaka?)

Yamantaka 4. 'jam dpal tshe bdag yang zlog me'i spu gri'i sgrub thabs rnon po nad gcod kyi dbang dbang bka' (yang bzlog) [231-245] Razor of Fire, - dark blue Yamantaka with three faces and six arms. This was practised by Nupchen Sangye Yeshe, who received it from Guru Rinpoche. Up to that point it was kama, but then it was hidden as a terma.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section E, Hayagriva:

Hayagriva 5. rta mgrin gsang sgrub lugs (rta mgrin) [247-256] Red Hayagriva with three faces. This practice is known as the Kyergang Hayagriva, since it was revealed by a master named Kyergangpa who was actually from the Shangpa Kagyü tradition, originating with Khyungpo Naljor. The practice was revealed to him by Guru Rinpoche in a vision.

From the Döjo Bumzang, section E, Hayagriva:

Hayagriva 6. nyang gter rta nag lcags ral can (rta nag) [257-268] Black Hayagriva, with one face and two arms, a terma of Nyang Ral Nyima Özer. It was hidden in Samye Chimphu.

  • Thursday June 26th

From the Nyingma Kama vol da

Medium-length empowerment of the Peaceful Deities from the Web of Magical Illusion 1. sgyu 'phrul drva ba zhi ba 'bring po'i dbang gi cho ga dkyil 'khor rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru chen [pp.291-394]

  • Friday June 27th

From the Nyingma Kama vol na

Medium-length empowerment of the Wrathful Deities from the Web of Magical Illusion 1. sgyu 'phrul drva ba khro bo'i dbang gi cho ga khrag 'thung rdo rje'i gad rgyangs [pp.207-345]

  • Saturday June 28th

From Dudjom Sungbum, vol. ba

Pudri Rekpung 1. rdo rje phur pa spu gri reg phung gi dbang chog phrin las bcud thig [pp.597-621]

From Lerab Lingpa Terchö vol. pha

Yang Nying Pudri 2. yang snying spu gri las bka' dbang zab mo lag len gsal bar bkod pa [pp.9-30]

From Longchen Nyingtik Tsapö vol. 4

Takhyung Barwa 3. bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba'i byin rlabs kyi cho ga rdo rje'i do shal [pp.215-224

  • Sunday June 29th

From the collected works of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, vol. pa

Tendrel Nyesel 1. rten 'brel nyes sel gyi cho ga zab mo rgyas 'bring bsdus gsum gyi byin rlabs dbang gi mtshams sbyor kun phan dge legs bdud rtsi'i snang ba [pp.84-105]

From the Longchen Nyingtik Tsapö vol. 4 (sva)

Yumka Dechen Gyalmo 2. yum bka' bde chen rgyal mo'i dbang gi chog bsgrigs bde chen bcud 'bebs [ [pp. 831-846]

  • Monday June 30th

From the Döjo Bumzang, section C, Amitayus:

Amitayus 1. byang gter tshe sgrub lcags sdong ma (lcags sdong) [pp.161-73] A revelation of Rigdzin Gödem

Also gave:

2. Lung for Long-life Prayer of HHDL (stong nyid snying rje zung du 'jug pa'i lam...) composed by HHDL himself at the request of DKR.

From the Longchen Nyingtik Tsapö vol. 4 (sva)

Tiklé Gyachen 3. yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can [pp. 881-916]


Ekadzati 4. e ka dza ti bka' gtad [used Palchen Dupa sadhana as well]

  • Tuesday July 1st

Lama Yangtik bla ma yang tig [Tarthang Tulku's edition] From the Nyingtik Yabshyi.

  • Wednesday July 2nd

From the Döjo Bumzang, section C, Amitayus:

Amitayus 1. pad dling tshe sgrub rdo rje phreng ba'i tshe dbang sgrub khog las gsung rgyun bzhin phyungs pa (rdor phreng) [175-183] The long-life practice known as the Vajra Garland discovered by the great tertön Orgyen Padma Lingpa (1450-1521).

From the Rinchen Terdzö, vol. co (khi)

Netik Phurba 2. snyan brgyud phrin las phur pa'i gnad tig gi smin grol 'bogs pa'i lag len phrin las gsang ba'i bcud 'dus [pp.489-510] It was given together with the instructions (tri).

From Dudjom Rinpoche’s collected works, vol. ma

Khandro Tuktik 3. zab lam mkha' 'gro'i thugs thig gi smin byed mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa padma'i do shal [pp. 301-314] It was given together with the instructions (tri).

  • Thursday July 3rd

From the Döjo Bumzang, section C, Amitayus:

Amitayus 1. grub thob thang stong pa'i gdams pa 'chi med dpal ster gyi tshe sgrub [pp.185-195] Revealed by Thangtong Gyalpo

Trulshik Rinpoche provided this text himself. It has 19 folios.

Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 2. 'chi med 'phags ma'i snying thig las thun mong tshe'i rjes gnang bya ba'i tshul gsal bar bkod pa ye shes sgo 'byed (dbang bsdus)