Lerab Ling

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The Main Temple in Lerab Ling, 2006
North side of the temple at Lerab Ling

Founded in 1991 by Sogyal Rinpoche and located near Montpellier in southern France, Lerab Ling is Rigpa's international retreat centre and home to the Rigpa Shedra West, and includes the newly constructed temple Palri Pema Ösel Dargyé Ling, also known as The Institute of Wisdom and Compassion.


Jetsün Kushok Chimey Luding visits in October and grants lung, wang and tri for the practice of White Tara Wishfulfilling Wheel.
  • 2009 - The 'Fourth Teaching Period'
    • April: Visit from Sera Jé geshes and monks. Tibetan dances and chants.

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