Oral Transmissions Given to the Rigpa Sangha: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dudjom Rinpoche]], Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, May 1979, Dudjom Rinpoche's [[Richö]], [[Tsik Sum Né Dek]], [[Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro]]
* [[Dudjom Rinpoche]], Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, May 1979, Dudjom Rinpoche's [[Richö]], [[Tsik Sum Né Dek]], [[Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro]]
* [[Ato Rinpoche]], Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, 'Shower of Blessings' by [[Mipham]] Rinpoche
* [[Ato Rinpoche]], Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, 'Shower of Blessings' by [[Mipham]] Rinpoche
* [[Thrangu Rinpoche]], Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, 'Tok ta bar sum', (Good at the beginning, in the middle and at the end), by [[Mipham]] Rinpoche
* [[Thrangu Rinpoche]], Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, 'Tok ta bar sum' (Good at the beginning, in the middle and at the end) by [[Mipham]] Rinpoche

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*[[Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche]], [[Lerab Ling]], 13 August 2009, ''[[Commentary on Bodhichitta]]'' by [[Nagarjuna]].
*[[Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche]], [[Lerab Ling]], 13 August 2009, ''[[Commentary on Bodhichitta]]'' by [[Nagarjuna]].
*[[Khenpo Pema Sherab]], [[Lerab Ling]], 25 August 2009, ''[[Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart]]'' by [[Longchenpa]]
*[[Khenpo Pema Sherab]], [[Lerab Ling]], 25 August 2009, ''[[Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart]]'' by [[Longchenpa]]
*[[Alak Zenkar Rinpoche]], Lerab Ling, Monday 26 October 2009, ''[[Bodhicharyavatara]]'' by [[Shantideva]]

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*[[Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche]], [[Lerab Ling]]
*[[Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche]], [[Lerab Ling]]
**10-14 September: [[Tsik Dön Dzö]]
**10-14 September: oral transmission of [[Tsik Dön Dzö]]
**14 September: Peaceful [[Manjushri]] [[sadhana]], a terma of [[Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok]]
**14 September: Peaceful [[Manjushri]] [[sadhana]], a terma of [[Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok]]

*[[Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche]], [[Lerab Ling]]
**4 September 2017, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul
**5-16 September 2017, teaching on [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Terton Sogyal (lung was received during the teaching)
*Shechen Rabjam Rinopche, Lerab Ling, 16-19 August 2019:
**oral transmissions related to the empowerments of [[Dukngal Rangdrol]], [[Tendrel Nyesel]], [[White Manjushri]] & [[Yang Nying Pudri]]
*Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, online, 24 October 2020, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga
*Lama Yönten, online, 21 November 2020, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga
*Lama Yönten, online, 20 March 2021, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga
*Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, June-July 2022
*Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, June-July 2022
**see [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] page
**18-19 June 2022, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul
**see [[Tsik Dön Dzö]] page
**9-10 July 2022, onsite & online, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Terton Sogyal
**1-31 July 2022, teaching on the main part of Jamgön Kongtrul's commentary (lung was received during the teaching)
**16-17 & 23-24 July 2022 oral transmission of [[Tsik Dön Dzö]]
**[[Namchö]] [[phowa]] by [[Tertön Mingyur Dorje]]; an arrangement by [[Thupten Chökyi Langpo|Palchen Düpa]]
**[[Namchö]] [[phowa]] by [[Tertön Mingyur Dorje]]; an arrangement by [[Thupten Chökyi Langpo|Palchen Düpa]]
*[[Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche]], Lerab Ling, July 2022, ''Secret Vajra Knot'' by [[Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje]]
*[[Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche]], Lerab Ling, July 2022, ''Secret Vajra Knot'' by [[Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje]]
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**30 December 2022: ''[[Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro]]''
**30 December 2022: ''[[Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro]]''
**31 December 2022: [[Dorje Gotrab]]; "One Mantra protecting against 100 illnesses" from a collection assembled by Mipham Rinpoche; Blue [[Guru Drakpo]] (on a nine headed wild boar)

**31 December 2022: [[Dorje Gotrab]]; "One Mantra protecting against 100 illnesses" from a collection assembled by Mipham Rinpoche; Blue [[Guru Drakpo]] (on a nine headed wild boar)

*Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 29 April-3 May 2023:
**29 April: [[Lama Yangtik]] empowerment
**30 April: [[Khandro Yangtik]] empowerment
**1-3 May: teaching on the ''[[Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones]]'' (complete text using Khenpo Shenga's commentary)
**1 May: oral transmission of Khenpo Shenga's commentary on the ''Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones''
**1 May: [[Rigdzin Düpa]] empowerment and associated lungs
**2 May: [[Zabtik Drolchok]] empowerment and associated lungs
**2 May: [[Yumka Dechen Gyalmo]] empowerment and associated lungs
**3 May: [[Chime Phakme Nyingtik]] empowerment and associated lungs
*Rigpa London, UK, 11 May 2023: Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's 'Heart Advice in Four Lines'
*Lama Yönten, online, 28 February 2024, oral transmission of [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga
*Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, online, 5 May 2024, oral transmission of the main part of Jamgön Kongtrul's [[Chetsun Nyingtik]] commentary only (not the preliminary section)
*Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 24th, 25th May & 24th August 2024: ''Illuminating the Meaning of Tantra, A Commentary on the Practice Text of the Ḍākinī Queen of Great Bliss, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse'' or in short the Ratik commentary (''klong chen snying gi thik le'i mkha' 'gro bde chen rgyal mo'i sgrub gzhung gi 'grel ba rgyud don snang ba'') by [[Ratön Ngawang Tendzin Dorje]].
*Alak Zenkar Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 22 June 2024.
**{{LH|tibetan-masters/do-khyentse/very-brief-barche-lamsel|''A Very Brief Prayer for Clearing Obstacles from the Path (Barché Lamsel)''}}
**{{LH|tibetan-masters/do-khyentse/lightning-bolt-of-compassion|''A Short Prayer that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes (Sampa Lhundrupma)''}}
**{{LH|tibetan-masters/mipham/swift-infusion-of-blessings|''The Swift Infusion of Blessings, A Guru Yoga ''}}
**Do Khyentse, Gesar Sang to Eliminate the Enemies of the Teachings ('dzam gling ge sar skyes bu don grub kyi rgyun bsang bstan dgra tshar bcod)
*Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 6-10 November 2024: participants can find the complete list of lungs given on this occasion in this [[:File:List of Reading Transmissions Rabjam Rinpoche Nov 2024.pdf|file]].


Latest revision as of 12:13, 31 December 2024

A (not yet) complete list of oral transmissions (Tib. lung) given to the Rigpa sangha, by date.


























  • Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, online, 24 October 2020, oral transmission of Chetsun Nyingtik commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga
  • Lama Yönten, online, 21 November 2020, oral transmission of Chetsun Nyingtik commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga
  • Lama Yönten, online, 20 March 2021, oral transmission of Chetsun Nyingtik commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul up to and including guru yoga





  1. Drigung Kagyud Tserkarmo Monastery, Tingmosgang, Ladakh, 2011: 'bri gung 'pho ba chen mo 'jag tshugs ma

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